How to Boost Amazon Sales in 2024- Get Huge Profits in 30 Days!

boost amazon sales

How to Increase Sales on Amazon – Quickly & Reliably!

Have you started an Amazon business recently but been disappointed by how your products have sold?

Have you been interested in setting up an Amazon business but been put off by the high amount of competition?

Have you ever wished you could find a detailed and accurate, yet easy-to-read list of strategies you can use to boost your Amazon sales?

Well, your day has come!

As the number one Amazon SEO Consultant, we have ranked over 600 ASINs in 2024 alone for our partners.

 We have used the experience gained from this, along with data and case studies from around the industry to provide this list of proven strategies and tips to increase sales, allowing you to plan your next product launch instead of worrying why the last one isn’t moving! 

Let’s dive straight in:

Do Deeper Keyword Research

Effective product descriptions and well-optimised product titles are key to increasing your Amazon sales.

In fact, your keywords are the foundation of your whole selling strategy, so they should always be the first place you look when figuring out how to get more sales on Amazon.

Optimising Product Titles for Amazon

When it comes to product titles, you should remember that Amazon users aren’t reading each one in detail and clicking into the product pages to learn more.

The vast majority will simply be scanning the search results page, which is why it’s crucial to:

  • Put your highest priority keywords in the product title
  • Put the best of those at the front of your product title
amazon product title optimization
Here’s an example of a bad product title. Why? Because you need to get to the 8th or 9th word before it tells you what it is, and the words before that aren’t valuable features or keywords either.

These are especially the case for variations, features and other details you know customers will be looking for such as:

  • Size
  • Colour
  • Pack size
  • Brand
  • Features

Of course, you’re optimising for the A9 algorithm too, so always keep relevance in mind.

a good amazon product title
This one’s more like it – the first three words are the primary keyword and tell you exactly what you’re looking at, and the rest are features, selling points and important information

Optimising Product Descriptions for Amazon

Writing an effective product description can be relatively complex, but is also necessary for successful selling on Amazon.

Here are the main things to keep in mind:

  • A customer who has landed here is already interested in your product due to the title and picture – list as many features, benefits, and benefits of those benefits as you can in the bullet points, keeping it concise and fluff-free in order to maintain their attention and keep selling them the product
  • Make use of all the keywords you didn’t manage to fit into the title
  • Concentrate on standing out and urgency – give them reasons your product is better than all of your competitors but give them a reason they need it now, too
  • Old school copywriting techniques are like gold dust here! Grab a book and do your research on how to keep it persuasive and as concise as possible.
  • There are plenty of tools out there to make this easier – check out our guide to the best Amazon Keyword Tools to find the best for you.
amazon bullet points
The idea is to make it easy to scan the start of each bullet point for basic info, allowing users to read further into each point if they want – with at least one benefit and reason to buy in each point.

Once you’ve done your research and got the best, most relevant and low competition keywords you can, let’s look at our next tip for selling on Amazon:

Use Influencers To Spread the Word Beyond Amazon

Influencer marketing is going through an astronomical rise, with 39% of marketers in 2018 saying they were increasing their budget for influencer marketing.

According to marketers questioned in 2018, here are the main benefits of marketing through social media and influencers:

influencer marketing

You might assume that influencer marketing is expensive, but in fact, it’s a lot less so than you might think.

A post from a celebrity influencer with millions of followers may well cost you a lot, but these days micro-influencers often lead to a better ROI.

Instagram profiles with follower counts between 1,000 and around 15,000 will often be willing to make posts for $250 or less, and some will even do it for a free product or voucher.

Scale this up and your product will eventually reach as many viewers as it would with the one big influencer, but for a much lower cost, and the added bonus of it seeming like your product has more organically and naturally been bought by people all over.

If you are struggling with finding the time for outreach, you can also find influencers through SocialBakers.

In an age of social media, influencers are of the most powerful strategies on how to get sales on Amazon.

Speaking of photographs of your products…

Improve Your Product Photographs

Product photographs are a huge factor for conversions and, along with the product title, the main product photo is the main thing that will make a customer click on your product in the first place.

Not only that, but the rest of the photos give the customer more information and push them towards the buy button when done well, just like the product descriptions and bullet points.

This means high-quality product photos are one of the most powerful strategies to increase sales on Amazon.

amazon product photographs
This is a great one – it fits in nicely with the other image and makes it immediately obvious what comes with the product.

The key to good Amazon product photographs is:

  • Have at least one photo on a white background to make it completely clear what the product is, and one in a realistic lifestyle background showing how or where the product could be used.
  • Contain practical information in the photos, for example, if you’re selling a wheelbarrow – include a photo with it fully loaded to show the potential customer how much it can hold.
  • Include a closeup photo of each feature that could be a selling point, using text to explain the benefits of this feature.
  • Also go into the benefits of those benefits, explaining how the feature will improve the customer’s life.

Product photos are often overlooked by sellers as just being “good enough”, but in fact, they are one of the biggest converters.

In a 2018 eMarketer survey, 83% of online shoppers said that product images and photographs are “very” or “extremely” influential when making purchasing decisions:

product photographs for amazon

For more information check out our guide to effective product photography.

Or, you could always…

Try a Product Video

Videos are incredibly powerful because they can get more information across about your product and brand storytelling in a few seconds than dozens of photos would.

product videos amazon

They are of course more expensive to make, which may make this impossible for small startups and sole traders, but if you can afford one, it’s an absolute must.

According to Dropbox CEO Drew Houston, back in 2009 when the company first started out they were really struggling with marketing, paying up to $300 per click on paid marketing to sell a product worth $99.

They tried social media and affiliate marketing to no avail, before spending $50,000 on an animated explainer video made by Common Craft that would go on their homepage and explain to visitors exactly what Dropbox was and how it worked.

The video increased Dropbox’ conversion rates by 10%, bringing in 10 million new customers and revenue of $48,000,000.
This is a more recent version from 2016 – but still an excellent example of how clarity and simplicity of information is the main priority.

This is an ROI of 1,000% and nowadays Dropbox is a household name with over 100 million users.

Simple, clear, explainer videos that are kept as short as possible, explain how your product works and show customers exactly how to set it up or install it, are an extremely powerful conversion tool.

On to the next tip for selling on Amazon:

Use Content Marketing Outside of Amazon

Content is still king in 2024.

The below graph from Statista should make it painfully obvious that content marketing isn’t going anywhere.

The graph shows responses to a survey of B2B marketers, asking whether they planned to change their content marketing budget from 2018 to 2019.

Here’s what they said they wanted to do to those budgets:

content marketing for amazon

Now, you’ve likely heard of content marketing for blogs or eCommerce sites, but content marketing for Amazon?

It’s not as strange as it may sound.

Imagine you sell fishing and angling gear on Amazon, but nobody has heard of your brand and therefore you are struggling to compete with more established brands.

A blog and/or YouTube video series on fishing tips and recommendations could quickly build you an audience, and it wouldn’t be difficult to talk about your own products and what makes them special, offer discounts, and use other techniques to drive traffic from your content straight to your Amazon product pages.

You can, of course, also use Amazon’s affiliate program to get an extra cut of 5-15% on every order you get through this route.

amazon affiliate program
Source: Amazon

Stand Out From the Competition & Be Clearer About The Benefits You Offer

If you’re stuck for how to make your product stand out from the crowd, you’d be surprised by just how much insight you can gain by searching the most generic keyword you want to rank for and spending some time looking at the other options.

In fact, implementing changes and optimizations based on what you learn here can be one of the best ways to increase sales.

ATTACHMENT DETAILS products-that-stand-out.jpeg May 17, 2019 100 KB 761 by 315 pixels Edit Image Delete Permanently URL

Good general knowledge of what is out there and what they are doing will make it much easier to make yourself stand out among them.

Not only that but spending time browsing lots of successful listings can give you some good ideas for how sellers trick Amazon to boost sales.

For example, you can:

  • Give your product images a background colour that contrasts against and stands out amongst the other search results
  • Use a product title that is formatted differently to the competition, making it immediately draw the searchers attention
  • Price your product attractively in comparison to your other competitors
 This is also a great time to think about what benefits you offer that others don’t and to think about a way to sing these benefits from the rooftops, making it as immediately obvious as possible why a buyer should choose your product over another. 

Once you’ve done this and managed to increase product sales on Amazon, it might be a good time to also implement a strategy to make customers more likely to return and/or to leave positive reviews.

Let’s take a look at a reliable way to do that next:

Include Thankyou Notes & Send Follow Up Emails

handwritten note in package

This is a powerful method of not only increasing brand loyalty but increasing the chances of repeat orders.

If you’ve ever wondered how to increase Amazon reviews, the answer is here too.

It can be as simple as including a printed card in your packages, thanking customers for their business, inviting them to contact you if they have any issues, and politely requesting they leave feedback if they enjoyed their experience.

This has the effect of:

  • Making a connection and making your customer feel like you care about their experience
  • Encouraging them to contact you and give you a chance to resolve any issues, which decreases the chances of a negative review
  • Reminds them that a positive review helps you, and increases the chances of them leaving one.
  • Since reviews are both an indirect ranking factor in Amazon and directly affect conversion rates, all of the above will increase your sales

For large, valuable customers, you may even consider handwriting a more unique note personalised to them, as this has a powerful impact on brand loyalty.

Personal touches are so rare these days that this can even turn a regular customer into something of a brand ambassador.

customer service statistics
Source: HelpScout

Automated emails are obviously a lot less personal, but they can be set to arrive a specific time after an order is made, reminding the customer again to leave a review.

Automated followup emails also open up an entire world of personalised marketing techniques, allowing you to upsell or cross-sell products that are related to ones the customer has purchased or browsed in the past.

Wufoo found that their customer lifetime value improved by 50% amongst customers that received a thankyou note – not something to shake a stick at!

Streamline Your Amazon Sponsored Products Strategy

Sponsored Products are a great way to get your product in front of customers immediately, even if your organic rankings are low.

  This makes them arguably the best way to advertise on Amazon, at least in the early days when you are unable to get a good position organically. 

The main thing to keep in mind is your ACoS or Advertising Cost of Sale.

ACoS = ad spend / sales

How to calculate your ACoS

Promoting products on Amazon through Sponsored Products is too in-depth a topic to cover in its entirety here, but we already have a full Amazon PPC Guide and even offer complete Amazon PPC Training Courses that can take you from beginner to expert, so check those out to learn how to promote your products on Amazon as effectively as possible.

In the meantime, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Bid on Your Competitors Best-Performing Keywords

If you know which keywords your competitors are getting the most orders from, you can bid on these same keywords to begin taking traffic and orders from them.

While it’s possible to do this manually, we highly recommend the use of a software tool which can automatically keep tabs on your competitors and give you alerts for new potential keywords.


Use Long Tail Keywords

Long tail keywords are just longer, more specific keywords, for example, “blue leather gym bag” instead of just “gym bag”.

These generally have much lower search traffic than the more generic keywords, but they also have much lower competition meaning a much lower cost-per-click. They are also so numerous that they make up to 70% of searches, as you can see in this graph from Neil Patel:

longtail keywords

Targeting as many of them as you can allows you to bring in unique customers that your competitors may not even be aware of!

It may also allow your ads to show up in search results where they are much more relevant, which can only increase conversions – if your gym bag is blue and leather, you’ve got a much higher chance of getting that person’s order.

Make Use of Negative Keywords

Negative Keywords

Just like in AdWords, this is a crucial part of a paid Amazon ad campaign.

Negative keywords tell Amazon what searches you don’t want your products to show up for, saving you from paying out for clicks that had no chance of ever turning into a sale.

For example, if you sell metal sports day medals with ribbons, you may want to put “war”, “replica”, and “chocolate” as negative keywords, to avoid paying for clicks from people that are looking for authentic replica war medals, or chocolate medals.

 This helps to make your ads much more targeted and increases your conversion rate as a result. 

The most important thing you can do for your Sponsored Products campaign, however, is to continually optimize over time and learn from the performance of each ad.

This will allow your campaign to become more and more efficient over time and get you to a place where you know your ACoS is within acceptable levels and you are happy to just let the ads run (or your organic rankings get to a stage where you don’t need paid ads at all any more).

Cut Out the Products That Aren’t Selling Enough

delete products that aren't selling

There’s not a lot more to say in this section, but we can sometimes get so wrapped up in trying to think of ways to increase Amazon sales of a product that we neglect to realise the product is the problem.

For example, imagine you offer 10 products, and through following the Amazon selling tips on this page, you manage to increase the sales of 9 of them and start to make some decent profits.

But, that tenth one doesn’t respond to anything you try and people just don’t seem to be interested in buying it.

Unfortunately, in this case, the product is likely the problem and there’s very little you can do – except cut your losses, reduce the price, and get rid of them.

Some research into the competition may wield insights into why your products weren’t attractive next to other offerings, allowing you to refine it and come back with a better product.

However, unfortunately, it could also just be that there are too many established competitors and too little opportunity for differentiation, meaning this product is probably best left abandoned.

Our guide to trending eCommerce products in 2024 is full of ideas for products that sell well on Amazon and may just help you to find a better option.

Engage With Your Audience Directly Through Social Media

social media marketing

Building a social media following and engaging with your audience directly gives you a large and loyal potential audience that you can then send to your Amazon listings.

This is done organically and takes time, but another good strategy that can be done immediately is using social media ads to send users to a landing page on your website, which can then collect their email addresses and send them to your Amazon listing.

This means even the ones who decide against purchasing have given you something valuable, allowing you to remarket to them in the future and add them to your newsletter mailing lists!

Try Split Testing

split testing

If you’re truly at a loss as to why your products aren’t selling, even after reading this guide, split testing will answer the question once and for all.

 Split testing, otherwise known as A/B testing, is the method of testing different strategies against each other and seeing which one works best. 

For example, you can try one product title for 30 days, then a different one for another 30 days, and go with the one that had the best conversion rates.

This can then be compared against another product title to achieve further refinement.

Doing this to all aspects of your products is sure to bring huge improvements over time and is the best way to increase sales in the long run.

It is also very complex and time-consuming, but luckily, there are some great tools out there that can automate this for you and make it a lot easier.

We have listed our favourites in our monster list of Amazon seller tools, so check that out to learn more!

Last but not least:

Get Keyword Focused Sales

Keyword focused sales are exactly what they sound like – and are the best way to improve Amazon rankings.

The method involves getting somebody to search the keyword you want to rank for, then purchasing your product.

This immediately increases your rank in Amazon A9, helping with visibility and leading to more orders.

If you’re just starting out and want to get the ball rolling, offering your friends and family free products or a drink in return for doing this can work.

Once you’ve gone beyond that though, you may need to actually outsource it to somebody as evidence suggests repeated keyword focused sales from the same customers won’t work.

If you get to this stage and are wondering how to grow sales further, it’s your lucky day, because we have recently begun offering high quality, unique Amazon ranking campaigns via KWFS right here!

This was previously only offered to our close partners but the effects are so reliable that we’ve decided to offer them to anybody that is having trouble ranking products in Amazon.

While you might be wondering if this is against Amazon’s rules, it actually isn’t – as far as they’re concerned, an order is an order!

If this all seems too much to manage and you’d rather us handle it all for you, use our contact form to get in touch and we can discuss how we can apply our rank methodology to your business!

Thanks for reading today’s guide on how to sell more on Amazon.

Following all of the strategies here is sure to help you learn how to make a profit on Amazon, how to increase Amazon sales and to spur real, sustainable growth.

If you need any further help, don’t be afraid to Contact Us or consider becoming one of our exclusive group of partners.

Otherwise, keep your eyes right here for more in-depth, easy to follow guides on how to be a better seller and daily sales tips on Amazon seller marketing!

Are you looking to understand your Amazon profits more and make running your Amazon business easy? Check out our Sellerboard review to learn more about the in depth profit tracking Amazon dashboard that gives you EXACT daily profit breakdowns for your products and business – including exact fees & COGS, returns, and more, plus a wide range of other features including email review request management, PPC management and more.


We run case studies on Amazon SEO and rankings, showing what actually works.

Article by

Thomas Buckland

Owner & Founder

Thomas Buckland is the founder of AmazonSEOConsultant, as well as owning & operating multiple Amazon & Ecommerce brands.

Thomas focus is on building creative Amazon marketing processes and systems after originally starting an agency in SEO & link building in 2009.
an Amazon marketing consultant owning multiple digital brands.

Now into 2025 Tom works with multiple Amazon brands and Ecom stores to develop their Amazon strategy, and help them rank and optimise products.

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